Ahoy, little sailor! Turn splish-splash time into a thrilling voyage with this delightful fleet of mini bath boats. Painted in four distinctive colours, these aquatic friends are sure to keep your little one entertained (and conveniently distracted) during bath or shower time. Watch them gently glide across the bathtub, scoop up playful waves, or embark...
Ahoy, little sailor! Turn splish-splash time into a thrilling voyage with this delightful fleet of mini bath boats. Painted in four distinctive colours, these aquatic friends are sure to keep your little one entertained (and conveniently distracted) during bath or shower time.
Watch them gently glide across the bathtub, scoop up playful waves, or embark on a stacking mission outside the water. These charming boats will ignite your child's imagination both in and out of the water, as they embark on their own bathtub odyssey. Get ready to hoist the anchor and set sail on a bubbly bath-time adventure!